The hanging george orwell works cited
The hanging george orwell works cited

the hanging george orwell works cited

Last or Organization, Title of Document, # Cong. Reported by Xavier WilkinsĪnd Christian Tatsch. Chicago before history: The prehistoric archaeology of a modern metropolitan area. Studies in Illinois Archaeology 7. Springfield: Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.Įx B: Last, First M. Book Title. City of publication: Company.ī: Markman, Charles W. Put information about the individual editor or author of the volume after the individual volume title and before the volume number and general title in a reference list entry.ī: Myrdal, Gunnar. In a parenthetical citation, put the volume umber immediately before the page number, separated by a colon and no intervening spaces. If the volumes are not titled individually and you are citing only one, add the volume number to the reference list entry. Abbreviate vol. and use Arabic numbers for volume numbers. Specific Volume: If the volume has a title different from the work as a whole list the title of the specific volume, followed by both the volume numbers and the general title. 5 of The Christian tradition: A history of the development of doctrine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Christian doctrine and modern culture and modern culture (since 1700). Vol.

the hanging george orwell works cited

City of publication: Company.ī: Pelikan, Jaroslav. Book Title. Edition number followed by ed. “Reprint Editions”- cite the reprint edition if you used it.Įx B: Authors Name. ed. Include the publication date only of the edition you are citing, not of any pervious editions. Abbreviate such wording as “second edition, revised and enlarged” as 2 nd ed. “Revised editions”-include the number or description of the edition after the title. If you cite a book published in more than one edition, always indicate in your reference list which edition you consulted because editions may differ. Coming to America: A history of immigration and ethnicity in American life.

the hanging george orwell works cited

Book Title. Edition number followed by ed. City of publication: Company.ī: Worzella, Andy. For Footnotes use the abbreviations.Įx B: Authors Name. For Bibliography write out Translated or Edited by. Brewitt-Taylor (Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1925), 247-248.Įxtra Information: When adding the Editor or Translator, use First then Last Name. by Translator or Editor (Publication City: Publishing Company, Year), Page.į: Luo Guan Zhong, Romance of the Three Kingdoms: San Guo Yan Yi, trans. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1925.Įx F: Author’s First and Last Name, Title, trans. Romance of the Three Kingdoms: San Guo Yan Yi. Translated or Edited by Translator or Editor. Publication City: Publishing Company, Year.ī: Zhong, Luo Guan. for translators.īooks with an editor or translator in addition to an author:Įx B: Author’s Last Name, First. Norton & Company, 1999), 445.Įxtra Information: Use the editors or translators the same you would use authors, just add eds. Spence, eds., The Search for Modern China (New York: W.W. or trans., Title (Publication City: Publishing Company, Year), Page.į: Pei-kai Cheng, Michael Lestz, and Jonathan D. Norton & Company, 1999.Įx F: Translator’s First and Last Name, and next Translator’s First and Last Name, eds. The Search for Modern China. New York: W.W. Title. Publication City: Publishing Company, Year.ī: Cheng, Pei-kai, Michael Lestz, and Jonathon D. Yugoslavia Death of a Nation. New York: Penguin Books, 1995.Įx F: Author’s First and Last Name, and next Author’s First and Last Name, Title (Publication City: Publishing Company, Year), Page.į: Laura Silber and Allan Little, Yugoslavia Death of a Nation (New York: Penguin Books, 1995), 112-114.īooks with an editor or translator in place of an author:Įx B: Editor’s Last Name, First and next Editor’s First then Last Name, eds. Title. Publication City: Publishing Company, Year.ī: Silber, Laura, and Allan Little. 1984. New York: Signet Classic, 1950.Įx F: Author’s First and Last Name, Title (Publication City: Publishing Company, Year), Page.į: George Orwell, 1984 (New York: Signet Classic, 1950), 51-53.Įx B: Author’s Last Name, First and next Author’s First then Last Name. Title. Publication City: Publishing Company, Year.ī: Orwell, George. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.Įx B: Author’s Last Name, First Name.

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A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, SeventhĮdition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers.

The hanging george orwell works cited